SKs Tree Of Life

Blank spaces whisper to me...Why? I have no clue. I just can't seem to leave things well enough alone. I want everything around me to make me smile. To interest me and keep me guessing.

This little shower held such promise. What could I do to create a sweet space? Some fun. Sooo...I went through buckets of broken tile, granite and marble and found an idea.

Can we create something new and wonderful from leftovers and scrap? Broken junk others would just throw away? I have found this throughout my life. Creating from leftovers or scrap. Make something beautiful, workable and worthy of a smile.

A small rounded corner shower would be fine with simple tile and grout. But what If??? What if I could make it have a life of it's own? A tree built into the corner of this little shower. How do you do that? Hmmm...

Just do it. Make a simple plan and begin. I started drawing a tree on the blank sub-surface of the tile. A brown trunk emerged. A trunk with dark brown marble and granites. Cut them into different shapes and linear forms. Glueing these tiles to form trunk as tree trunk would grow. I then started to add different greens. My plan started to come together as I glued the lighted greens on the left side and added the darker greens going to the right side. I hoped this would add light as if from the sun going from the left to the shadow to the right.

I hand crafted clear round glass tiles with leaves, bugs and textures attached to the back of each clear tile. I then sealed these tiles to be waterproof. I added sparkly jewels and mother of pearl adornments for interest.

I can get over zealous and must remind myself of correct composition and areas which the eye may rest.
I had fun with this and worked many hours so my creation would make me smile for many years.

Have some fun. Create from nothing. Enjoy the scraps of life.
See You Soon!

This Old House Deserves A New Life

Tiling has become a new treat for me. I have no idea how it is supposed to be done properly, so I just go ahead and try lots of different ideas and styles.

Courtney Jones

We have a wonderful guest who keeps us company often. She sings as she makes cookies for White Oaks Bed and Breakfast.

Not just anyone can do both at the same time. But Courtney can dance as she does it. And makes me laugh at the same time. Dizzying.

Courtney Jones New Living Room
 We had the opportunity to give her a hand on one of her many latest projects.

As her husband is gone, this remarkable woman buys and closes a house. We had such fun picking out her colors from her mothers hand-crafted quilt and arranging this cute little bungalow for her husbands return and birthday.

New granite and green glass tile for the hearth and fireplace. Paint colors picked, master bedroom made beautiful and comfy. All for a specially talented girl.

Courtney's Living Room After Being SK'd. She is currently working on her third CD. Check out her last two CDs at

See You Soon!

Check out SK’s interior design
You can follow SK on her Ehow posts and Twitter

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SK’s Home Sweet Home

Sk Sartell's Bath Fairy

  Most of you know how I think. I would like to believe I have a right to choose what and who, surround me on a daily basis.

  I like my clients and MOST like me in return. Hmmm… I’ll have to check on the validity of that statement. Maybe some of you will respond?

  Anyway, I love gathering stuff which makes me smile. Laughing cheers the saddest of hearts.

  If I’m having hot chocolate, I serve myself from an old and beautiful china cup. The chip on the edge is a nostalgic memory or question as to what the past held for this sweet china cup.

  As I enter a room or our home, I want to smell something wonderful. See something wonderful.

  I make a date with myself. A time to pamper myself. You have to make, and take time for yourself.

 Make it a point today to do something special. Even if it’s only to stand in front of a mirror and smile at yourself. The little things we choose to surround ourselves with make a difference in the joy of life. It keeps us young.

 Make a choice with little things which make you smile. It lightens your world for a moment. We need these moments in times of stress and concern. Think of it as filling your cup for the times when things are a bit parched.

See You Soon!

Check out SK’s interior design
You can follow SK on her Ehow posts and Twitter

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